
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
Nature Festival: The magic of biodiversity in the Petit-Bois
25.05.2025 10:00 - 12:30Discover the «Petit-Bois» improvement project behind the Sierre railway station in a playful way. In the center of the city, this extraordinary example shows how biodiversity can find its place in urban development.
Excursion / Guided tour
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
Ornithological excursion: European Bee-eater
03.06.2025 17:00 - 20:00The exotic colourful plumage of the European bee-eaters is very striking and their typical call can be heard from far away.
Excursion / Guided tour

Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
Bearded vulture and the alpine habitat
04.06.2025 09:45 - 12:00Come with us and get to know the bearded vulture and its habitat on the Gemmi. An environment where the history of the landscape, the fauna and the flora are closely linked, where nature teaches us the balance of life.
Excursion / Guided tour
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
A9 - Roman road and climate research
07.06.2025 13:30 - 17:00You will learn lots of interesting facts about the construction of the new motorway. Current archaeological excavations are awakening many contemporary witnesses. The Pfynwald research platform will tell you what the Pfynwald could look like tomorrow
Nature / Landscape
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
«Einfach mal Baum sein» - Waldbaden
11.06.2025 09:00 - 11:30Lausche dem sanften Rauschen der Bäume, riech den harzigen Duft der Föhren, spür die belebende Wirkung der frischen Luft und tauche ein in die magische Atmosphäre des Waldes. Dein Geist wird ruhig, deine Atmung regelmässig, dein Herz öffnet sich.
Excursion / Guided tour

Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
Bearded vulture and the alpine habitat
11.06.2025 09:45 - 12:00Come with us and get to know the bearded vulture and its habitat on the Gemmi. An environment where the history of the landscape, the fauna and the flora are closely linked, where nature teaches us the balance of life.
Excursion / Guided tour
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
Nectar and poetry
14.06.2025 10:00 - 15:30What do bees and honey have to do with writing? We will explore these and other exciting questions on this excursion into the diverse realm of wild bees and experience first-hand the influence of nature on culture.
Excursion / Guided tour
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
Ornithological excursion: European Bee-eater
17.06.2025 17:00 - 20:00The exotic colourful plumage of the European bee-eaters is very striking and their typical call can be heard from far away.
Excursion / Guided tour

Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
Bearded vulture and the alpine habitat
18.06.2025 09:45 - 12:00Come with us and get to know the bearded vulture and its habitat on the Gemmi. An environment where the history of the landscape, the fauna and the flora are closely linked, where nature teaches us the balance of life.
Excursion / Guided tour
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges
«Sommernachts-Baum» - Waldbaden
19.06.2025 18:30 - 21:00Lasst uns gemeinsam den Mittsommer feiern! Es erwartet dich eine Waldbaden-Tour der speziellen Art, bei der die Sonne und ihre Kraft im Mittelpunkt stehen.
Excursion / Guided tour